Call of Duty: World at War Map Pack

Call of Duty World at War
Call of Duty World at War

In March, there will be a Call of Duty: World at War map pack release for the PC, Xbox 360 and the PS3 in which 4 new maps will be released for enjoyment. One of them will be for the Nazi mode.

Night Life, one of the maps, brings the player to battle in a war torn map of Berlin. Knee Deep will have you battling within the deep jungles in which Japan has soldiers set in certain places. Station takes place in an underground station that has been bombed. Lastly, Verruckt, which means Zombie Asylum,  broadens the Nazi gameplay by adding more weapons and “Perk-a-cola” machines and more, such as electroshock defenses. No price has been set for the pack, but it is slated for March, as has been said.