Crystal Defenders, the new iPod Touch

Three Levels of play for Final Fantasy Crystal Defenders for the Itouch / IPhone
Three Levels of play for Final Fantasy Crystal Defenders for the Itouch / IPhone

The new Final Fantasy game arriving on the iPhone and iTouch, Final Fantasy Crystal Defenders, is a Final Fantasy Tactics themed game first revealed in October. It is now finished, and Square Enix now releases Crystal Defenders for the iPhone and iPod Touch.

The official cost of this game is $7.99 and the iPhone game doesn’t actually contain the words “Final Fantasy”. Crystal Defenders gameplay is based on Final Fantasy Tactics and it uses the same job classes from the series. You place your units on the field and the enemy waves being to start, and you need to defend yourself. This is pretty much a defense simulator.

There are three levels of play, as shown in the picture, from W1 to W3, each becoming increasingly difficult. It’s available in the iTunes store right now. This is a great little title that I’m definitly excited for. When I get my iPod Touch, I’ll definitely be playing this one.

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