Battlefield 1943 delayed until 2010

Battlefield 1943
Battlefield 1943

For those of you on the PC who were hoping for a 2009 release of the hit fps Battlefield 1943, expect to be disappointed. DICE announced that the game has been pushed back to the first quarter of 2010 instead.

They reasoned that they haven’t created the DICE engine, Frostbite, on the PC while they did create it for the consoles. Which means the console had a base to start off of, while the PC version doesn’t have that luxury. People have been saying that DICE has changed, and that they’re starting to favor the consoles more than the PC. They use this is their proof, saying how the engine wasn’t even created for the PC. Dice also says that there are a number of unique challenges solely for the PC that requires them to push the release date into 2010.

For qualities say, they say they are pushing it back. To provide the best experience possible, which includes all the features the console counterparts have, with the addition of 32 player online matches, joystick support, voice commands, ranked servers and more. When quality is at stake, you can’t really blame them. If they provided you with a shoddy PC port with promised features missing, you would have rioted outside their offices. Instead, they’re delaying the game so they can give you everythign they’ve promised and more. Seems fair game to me, and DICE strongly believes that they made the right decision. I do too. Like I said, if quality is at astake, then you must delay or you’ll end up like Age of Conan.

Better to have it late and great, than early and a buggy mess. So for those of you that were holding out for the PC release of Battlefield 1943, you may want to look into getting the console version to tide you over until then.

Demigod PC Demo Announced


Stardock announces the release of a multiplayer Demigod demo for PC gamers, finally, allowing all of you interested in it to get a taste. Stardock’s Demigod is a game defined as a RPG/RTS hybrid influenced by some of the leading RTS’s available, such as Warcraft.

Stardock had a problem trying to think of how they can provide a fun and relative experience in the demo without trying to give the players too much, having to limit them so they get the real game. They decided to provide a demo with one map and four available demigods.Regulus, Rook, Sedna and Lord Erebus will be available for you to play with, on all multiplayer modes.

That is the best solution I see to the problem. Giving the potential player access to the demigods to play with on all the multiplayer modes, limited to one map. It gives them the chance to experience the game, while not revealing too much. With only 8 Demigod characters to choose from, you get half of what you should expect if you decide to get the full game. This game is one of the best RTS’s on the market right now, since it’s fixed it’s networking issues.

The games offers many outcomes depending on the players and the options chosen. The presentation and features in this arena combat game are amazing. If you haven’t checked out Demigod already, you should try it out with the Demigod Demo available on Fileplanet.

Funcom wants Age of Conan players back

Age of Conan
Age of Conan

Many Age of Conan players know about how Funcom screwed up with their mmorpg Age of Conan. Funcom spent a lot of the year fixing up the buggy, incomplete, mess that is Age of Conan, and now is requesting that everyone who fled the game gives the game another chance.

The hyped up Age of Conan launched last year, leading to the disappointment of many players shortly after. The game had buggy, poor, end game content, features were missing, pvp was a laggy experience. A lot of the year was dedicated towards working on the large amount of issues with the game, and the director quiting due to dissatisfaction in the process. Now that things have been worked out, they feel that former players should come back. From now until July 22nd, players with inactive accounts can visit the Age of Conan re-evaluation website , and get upto two weeks of play time.

From what I know, this game should just crash and burn. They basically made people pay to beta test their game. This game obviously wasn’t well made, at the start, had many problems, bugs, glitches and missing features. Most of the people I know who played this say that two weeks isn’t enough for what they spent for the game. They feel that they paid to beta test the buggy trash that is AoC, and they just won’t come back. Funcom says that anyone with an inactive account who wants to give it another try should now, as it’ll be free for two weeks. They say that since their “hugely successful” launch last year, they started working on updates that’d improve the game and provide more content for players. Hugely successful? If that’s what they wanna call it. They just released the retail version of something that really should have stayed in beta. Funcom goes on to say that with most of the updates out of the way, players should give it another try.

They’re pretty much begging for their former Age of Conan players to come back. I think it’s too little, too late.

LucasArts partners with Steam

Lucas Arts
Lucas Arts

So, as the previous post stated, LucasArts was going to release some “amazing” news on Monday, that old school fans would enjoy. All started from the tweet made on lucasartsgames. So the announcement is that a plethora of classic Lucas Arts games are being rereleased on Steam, for the next month or so.

According to lucasartsgames tweet, LucasArts is partnering with Steam for some “Digital adventurey goodness”. The first batch of games headed towards Steams service will be available July 8th.

LucasArts says that they’re trying to introduce the current gaming generation to some of their classic games. Also for a way to allow games to be acquired long after they’ve been taken off of shelves. Seems like any gamer who has been a fan of classic games would love this announcement. But me personally, it doesn’t interest me that much. For those of you who were hoping for a KOTOR 3, my sympathies go out to you, heh. This must be bad, or disappointing news to you, to say the least. This is LucasArts latest attempt at releasing their older classics. But I can see how this would be good though, many people, my bro included, love to play classics.

The first batch of classics to hit shelves July 8th are:

  1. Armed and Dangerous
  2. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
  3. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure
  4. LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventure
  5. LOOM
  6. Star Wars Battlefront II
  7. Star Wars Republic Commando
  8. Star Wars Starfighter
  9. The Dig
  10. Thrillville: Off the Rails

So those of you classic LucasArts fans watch out for July 8th for these games to hit Steams on demand service.

BattleField Heroes, good for quick fun

BattleField Heroes
BattleField Heroes

Not a news post, per say, but something good anyway. BattleField Heroes is a fairly new multiplayer game that is on the PC. It just got out of it’s betaphase, if I heard correctly. Anyway, this is a game that is good for some quick kills or fun. It’s not anything epic, like Call of Duty or something, but if you’re bored, you should definitely give BattleField Heroes a try.

They have different classes, like the damage dealing class, the damage taking class, and the stealthy class. Personally, I have had some fun with it from time to time. When you have a good team and you battle over a flag, it’s pretty cool. They also have vehicles, such as jeeps, tanks and airplanes. If you buy BF Points, you can customize your character in different and distinct ways. As you level up, you put up your abilities and you get new skills and weapons. It’s a fairly descent game to say the least. It is also not very demanding, in terms of graphics. If you put the graphics on the max settings, then sure, it’ll look good and tax your computer. However, my low end Laptop can handle this game quite well.

So, whether you have a low end or high end computer, this game can give you some quick fun.